Mobility WIKI

Access to this wiki: This wiki is accessible to all UT staff members. This front page is public, but the remainder of the pages are located behind single sign on; you will have to use your regular UT login credentials. Click here if you are a student. Click here if you are a member of staff from one of our partner universities.

Move directly to items related to Mobility-Online:

This wiki aims to put together information about everything related to mobility (in particular student mobility, and a little about staff mobility) and internationalisation, such as regular and special mobility programmes (background info, procedural info), manuals, instruction schemes, flow charts, reports which you can use, … In short, all kinds of useful information which is otherwise scattered over websites, P-drives, M-drives, or just not printed anywhere yet.
For the time being, access is restricted to UT personnel only. Perhaps in the future pages will be created for students and non-UT people.

Together with this wiki, Microsoft Teams 'Mobility Platform' has been created. The “About”-text of this Team is: “To discuss with and inform all UT members of staff involved in the operational & implementational side of student mobility (course exchange, placements and thesis work, short term activities such as summer schools, etc). Procedural aspects, partners, etc. CES-SAS, SOIR, ECO (exchange coordinators), MO (internship/thesis coordinators), Country coordinators?, 'strategic partner' coordinators?, …?”2). The tags currently in use in the Team are: AGCO, CC3), CU4), ECO, FAI, ICO, IRP5), MIN6), MO7), SAS8), SO9), SOIR, SP10). In the Team, everyone has at least one tag, but members can have multiple tags. If you'd like to have another tag added to your name, let me know.

  • search the contents for a term or an expression using the search box on top. Note:
    • if you want to search the whole wiki, first click on the home-symbol at the top-left:. When you use the search box from a sub-page, it might limit the results to that sub-page.
    • if you want to search for a specific combination of words, place “” around them. For instance: searching for work agreement will result in all pages containing work and/or agreement. Searching for “work agreement” will result in all pages which contain that specific combination of the two words (work agreement).
    • if you want to search for a combination of letters because you're not sure how the rest of the word is spelled, you will have to use an asterix '*'. For instance: searching for quest will currently not give you any results. Searching for quest* will give you all pages containing question, questionnaires, …
  • start with some of the main subjects as listed in the sidebar
  • you could search for different types of information:
    • the title of a section containing a report always starts with 'Report: '
    • a description of master data of a certain type of record in Mobility-Online usually has ' : master data' in the title
    • “work agreements” (in Dutch: werkafspraken) are labelled protocol, because a search for 'work agreement' will give you many hits. A 'protocol' could be a simple agreement on who is doing what (e.g. filling in forms), or a procedural description of a process (e.g. special outbound mobility programmes).

Call for participation in this wiki

these bullet lists will be expanded. More wiki-text is currently listed in the Microsoft Teams 'Mobility Platform', but this will slowly be transferred here and expanded
I Can't seem to find an option to change this text …
Country Coordinators
staff members involved in CuriousU
5) , 9)
part of SOIR
Minor Coordinator
staff members involved in the implementation/maintenance/… of Mobility-Online
CES staff member(s) involved in the inbound exchange process
Strategy & Policy